Take a closer look at the types of patients who may benefit from NEMLUVIO
Suffering from frequent flares and itch
Experiencing constant itching, scratching, and dry skin
Has frequent flare‑ups that affect his life at school
Actor portrayals.
Wendy is suffering from intense itch and frequent flares
Age: 32 years
Diagnosis: Atopic dermatitis
BSA: 20%
Current Treatments:
Topical corticosteroids, topical calcineurin inhibitors
Signs and Symptoms:
- Itchiness and frequent flares
- Dry, flaky skin
- Scratch marks
- Frequent flares that lead to avoidance of social activities
Emily is experiencing severely affected skin from constant scratching
Age: 41 years
Diagnosis: Atopic dermatitis
BSA: 50%
Current Treatments:
Topical corticosteroids, topical calcineurin inhibitors
Signs and Symptoms:
- Continuous scratching that’s making skin worse
- Rough, scaly, dry skin
- Thickened patches
- Missed work due to symptoms
Matthew has frequent flare-ups that affect his life at school
Age: 16 years
Diagnosis: Atopic dermatitis
BSA: 30%
Current Treatments:
Topical corticosteroids, topical calcineurin inhibitors
Signs and Symptoms:
- Itchiness and frequent flares
- Dry, flaky skin
- Has difficulty sleeping
- Feels anxious
Lasting Skin Healing1
Discover how NEMLUVIO helped most patients with AD achieve lasting skin clearance1
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AD=atopic dermatitis; BSA=body surface area; IGA=Investigator Global Assessment.
Reference: 1. Galderma Laboratories, L.P.; data on file. Clinical Study Report RD.06.SIR.118163 [ARCADIA LTE]; October 2023.